記得很久以前就知道子宮頸癌有疫苗的事了,之前還在undergraduate 的時候有個BC Cancer 面試的工作就是跟子宮頸癌有關的,詳細內容忘了,大概就是那時候有一大批的子宮頸癌疫苗要進到加拿大來,所以BC Cancer Agency 需要先做測試之類的。
Scientific American
December 12, 2006
Call for worldwide use of cervical cancer vaccines
LONDON (Reuters) - International health experts called on Tuesday for rapid worldwide access to new cervical cancer vaccines that have the potential to save a quarter of a million lives a year.
◆ cervical cancer:子宮頸癌
lung cancer 肺炎
lukemia 血癌
breast cancer 乳癌
colon and rectal cancer 大腸和直腸癌
skin cancer 皮膚癌
prostate cancer 前列腺癌
lymphoma 淋巴瘤
tumer 腫瘤
malignant 惡性的
benign 良性的
carcinogen 致癌物質 (or carcinogenic substance)
carcinogenesis: the processes of tumor development
lymph 淋巴
lymphatic system 淋巴系統
lymphocyte 淋巴球
lymph node 淋巴結
◆ access to
看來 [access to ] 是個很common 的用法唷!之前的文章中有看到 [access to medications] 這個詞,現在在這裡又看到了,寫文章有需要的時候記得要想到它喔! access: the ability or right to approach, enter, exit, communicate with, or make use of.
◆ have the potential to
這裡的意思是有什麼的潛力、可能性,例:have the potential for futer development potential: capable of favorable development.
Synonyms: promising
Merck & Co. Inc.'s recently launched Gardasil and GlaxoSmithKline Plc's Cervarix, which is expected to be approved next year, protect women against human papillomavirus (HPV), the virus that causes most cases of the disease.
Merck 最近即將上市的Gardasil 和GSK Plc 明年將通過認證的Cervarix 都將幫助婦女預防HPV的感染,HPV是造成子宮頸癌的病毒。
◆ launch: to introduce to the public or to a market
這裡指的是「推出(新產品)」的意思,例:launch the new perfume
這是很常看到的字,除了用在發射火箭、太空梭(launch a rocket)之外,最常用的就是「開始…」的意思,例:
launch a project (開始一個計畫)
launch a career (開創一項事業)
◆ human papillomavirus (HPV):類乳頭瘤病毒
The new products are likely to be embraced in rich countries but their use in the developing world -- where 80 percent of cervical cancer deaths occur -- is uncertain because of unresolved issues over funding, delivery and political challenges.
◆ be embraced in rich countries
這裡提出來是因為它用embrace 當作藥品使用的動詞,可以看到它後面是用「their use」來表示,使文章裡的用字不會重複,讀起來又有專業的感覺。 embrace: to take up willingly or eagerly (信奉、從事)
例:embrace a social cause (從事一項社會活動)
◆ unresolved issues over ...
The call for global access came at a conference in London bringing together 60 health experts from multilateral agencies, government, charities and the drug industry.
◆ global access
◆ multilateral:多邊的;多國參加的 citation from The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992. Answers.com 03 Dec. 2006. (按圖可連結到引用頁面)
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- Dec 12 Tue 2006 21:11
[SciAm News] 子宮頸癌疫苗