
這個案件叫:The Pickton Trial

◆ trial: 審問【on trial: 審訊中】

主角是位現年57歲,叫Robert Pickton 的男人,在Port Coquitlam 開養豬場(pig farm),涉嫌殺害了26 位在溫哥華東區的妓女(prostitute),被列為一級謀殺(first-degree murder)的連續殺人犯(serial killer)。

Many were heroin addicts and sex-trade workers.

◆ drug addict: 吸毒者

In 2002, they zeroed in on a former hog farm in Port Coquitlam where neighbours remember seeing police officers scouring the ground on the their hands and knees.

◆ zero in on (idiom): 專心注意;瞄準

◆ hog: 豬、家畜豬

◆ scour: 搜索,四處搜尋


The following story contains graphic allegations in a major murder case. It is not suitable for all ages and some people may find it extremely disturbing.

就是說,內容噁心,小孩不宜。(不過看過台灣新聞的應該想像得出... )

allegation: 辯解;托辭

He butchered their remains and disposed of them.

這次的審訊只審其中被害的六位妓女的案件,其他還有二十位還在調查中。檢察官(prosecutor)說,那些受害者都被"expertly bisected",然後丟在屠宰場(slaughterhouse)的垃圾桶裡。其實Pickton 在2002年的時候就被警察審問過了,但是他一直否認,後來警方陸續在他的養豬場發現屍體、血跡,經過DNA檢驗後,確認是受害者,直到這個禮拜一才開庭審訊,但是Pickton 還是不認罪(plead not guilty)。這兩天開庭的時候看了2002年的時候,他的豬場被警方搜索(raid)後,被警方審問(interrogation)十一個小時的錄影帶,在影片中他否認殺害,並堅稱沒有看過那些妓女,也沒和她們有過性交易。

◆ jury: 陪審團

◆ undercover cop: 臥底、便衣警察

The farm was raided by police.

He endured a grueling RCMP interrogation.

【註】RCMP: Royal Canadian Mounted Police. 加拿大皇家騎警,我猜想大家都應該知道他們叫「騎警」的原因吧!顧名思義,就是騎馬的警察,哈哈。當然現在都是開車了啦!不過有時候還是會看到他們騎馬在路上晃。 

Pickton has pleaded not guilty on all counts. He pleads his innocence.

在十一個小時的審訊中,警察問他:"What kind of killer do you want to be remember as?"


"There's respected killers and there's despised killers. Child molesters are despised."

不是我要吐槽,殺人犯就殺人犯,還有"respected killers"?難不成是指國家委派之秘密殺手?

despise [v]: 鄙視;痛恨、厭惡

molester: 妨礙者、干擾者;性騷擾者,色情狂

Robert Pickton told Mounties in 2002 that he was just a "pig man" and reject as "hogwash" the suggestion that he was connected to missing women from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside.

Mountie: 加拿大騎警隊員。

◆ hogwash: 餿水;無用的東西;無聊話、廢話

受害者家屬:"My stomach started turning."



不過唸GRE的時候,背單字背半天,卻不知道能用在哪裡,有些單字也不知道該怎麼用,像是有的動詞後面不確定需不需要加些什麼"in, at, of, for..." 之類的再接名詞,現在看了以後就明白了,可以記下來以備不時之需。


律師:Mr. Pickton did not kill or participate in the killing of the six women. This will not be a simple case involving simple explanations or obvious conclusions.

事情沒那麼簡單?是說Pickton 是被陷害的囉!他的律師真的認為他沒殺人嘛?還是是因為…身為律師,不得不這麼說?有時候想想,要是我是律師,要我這樣昧著良心打官司,我大概會瘋掉吧!律師真不是人幹的?!

 citation from The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992. 03 Dec. 2006. (按圖可連結到引用頁面)

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