1. my "shoot" day (Oct 28, 08)
今天不知道為什麼感覺很累.... mentally tired, 是心情上的累,不是身體上的累,可能是因為下雨的關係吧!
下午在 pipette yeast 的時候,發現忘了加 control 而大叫了一聲:shoot!!
H: What did you do wrong?
我:I forgot to include my controls.
M: This is your third "shoot" today.
我:oh, really?
M: yeah~
我:(想了一下) No, this is my first one. The last two were from yesterday.
M: No, this is the third one today. You already "shooted" twice this morning. I counted your "shoots."
我:really? I did that this morning?
M: yes, you did.
H: what did you do wrong this morning?
我:oh, I don't even remember what I've done this morning... (我是說真的,我是不是腦力退化了阿?我真的沒印象我早上有做錯什麼讓我喊 shoot 的事。@@)
M: ok, what mistake did you make this time? you mixed up?
我:yeah... I was thinking of not making the same mistake again, and I made a different one.
M: yeah Linda, you are really tired today~
我:Shoot! (犯了跟不一樣的那個同樣的 mistake...)
結果解決完我的 yeast work 之後沒事和 H & M 聊開來,聊了一堆有的沒的後心情就嗨起來了。(原來我心情悶只是因為想聊天阿~?=.=)
2. dark (Nov 6, 08)
M: Uhh, it's so dark outside. Don't you find it depressing?
我:I've been depressed for a few days.
3. kitty (Feb 06, 09)
M: What should I name my little kitty?
我:Hello. Then she can be Hello Kitty....
4. pink (Feb 21, 09)
老闆前兩天來跟 H 討論事情時,再度注意到我的 laptop...
然後看著它說:It's a really pink computer.
H: Oh, you didn't notice not?
老闆:No, I re-notice it today.
5. 4pm (Mar 01, 09)
M: "what time do you think it is now?"
我:"I thought it is 4pm."
M: "yeah~ it was 4 an hour ago..."
6. 黑暗面 (July 08, 09)
今天下班後在 Grad Club 的聊天內容之一:學術界的黑暗面 -- ride on other people's back....
7. 發言人 (July 11, 09)
最近對面時驗室的 J 同學搬到我樓上。
J: Linda, 你會覺得我很吵嗎?
M&O: 會, Linda 說她覺得你很吵,走路太大聲了.... (謝謝妳們,我什麼都沒說阿~)
J: 我會為了妳不製造任何聲音的。(感謝~ 其實你沒有製造什麼聲音。)
M: Linda, 我可以借你的 LB 來用嗎?
H: 當然可以,盡管用~ 我都拿她東西來用!(原來你都用我的阿~)
M: 那我就不客氣了。(妳好像都是自問自答的跟我借東西阿~) (如下)
M: Linda, 我可以跟妳借 buffer 嗎?
M: Yes. (自動伸手拿東西) 我知道妳想借我的, thank you~
O: Linda, 我們禮拜X要去OO, 妳要去嗎?
M: 歐當然~ 她會去的。(感謝妳幫我做的決定阿~)
8. I'm not mean! (July 13, 09)
剛剛 J 在等跑 gel 的時候來我們實驗室聊天,然後....
J: "ok, i'm going back to check my gel."
我反射性的小聲說:"finally... (going back to work)"
J: "Oh~ Linda, you said finally? Ouch~" (我以為很小聲,沒想到 J 聽到了。)
M: "finally.... that's a mean word~"
隔兩天 J 又跑來.....
我問:"are you looking for our lab tech or you have nothing to do?"
J: "Oh, Linda~"
M: "Linda, you are so mean...."
我:"No, I'm not~ I just described the truth."
J: "ok, Linda, i will see you tomorrow at Lone Star. Hope you won't kick me off the table." (說完跑走)
9. EtOH (July 20, 09)
聊天的時候聊到 H 說要給我還沒給我的微波爐,微波爐內部很髒,他說要拿給我前會先清乾淨。
H: "when do you want it?"
M: "have you cleaned it yet?"
H: "Not yet. I'll get some 70% EtOH from the lab to clean it. I think our boss wouldn't mind that."
M: (笑) "I already did it. I took some to clean my table."
(實驗室資源真好用~) (誤)
10. 博學多聞 (Aug 02, 09)
H: Of course I'm intensively knowledgeable, especially recently, 'cause I finished all my games and had nothing to do at home, so I started reading.
11. 75% alcohol (July 31, 09)
從美國回來經過 duty free 的時候 H 買了瓶 75% 的酒(Bacardi)。
結果過海關沒多久後他說:"I just realize that I bought lots of alcohol that I'll never gonna drink, 'cause I don't really like Champagne."
M:"That's a perfect
concentration for disinfection~ you can use it to clean the microwave."
H: "No way, i will consume it."
12. rabies (Aug 04, 09)
下午聊天的時候跟 H 講禮拜六有蝙蝠跑進屋子裡的事,然後大四女生說要小心狂犬病。
H: "Go get a rabies shot, I don't want you to bite me."
我:"I'm not going to bite you~!"
13. Buffer (Aug 31, 09)
韓國同學要跟我借 buffer....
M: "Linda, may I borrow your stocking gel buffer?"
M: "Yes, I know you love me."
我:"If you pay me $50, I will love you~!"
13. Halloween costume (Sept 16, 09)
剛剛和隔壁研究 Salmonella 實驗室的同學一起中餐時聊到了萬聖節的活動,她要我那天打扮成像 herpesvirus。
can't dress up as Salmonella, 'cause everyone will think I am a sperm."
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- Sep 30 Wed 2009 23:20
實驗室對話 2008-09