上禮拜 co-op coordinator 來 site vist。
我說,我想應該會去唸 graduate school 吧…
「你為什麼想唸 graduate school 呢?因為大家都唸嘛?你想... "oh my god! what am I going to do? what can I do?" and you don't know, so you go to graduate school? I know most people did that. I was one of them, too. 但是這是人生中很大的 decision,可以決定你的未來,你知道你以後要做什麼,想做什麼嘛?」
我愣住了,一時之間回答不出來。我想是因為我自己也不確定我到底想做什麼吧。也許我知道我想做研究,但是我不知道我想做哪方面的研究,研究的工作適合我嘛?我不知道。我完全一點 idea 都沒有。
她說:I don't suggest you to go to graduate school right after graduation, but I recommand you to work for a while first, 之後你知道想做什麼以後再去唸 graduate school。
what should I do now?
who can tell me?
March 2004